Summer Sojourn
Performed on June 10, 2012 - in Arlington, Virginia
Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus - Tom Wiener, Musical Director
Da'aga Hill Bowman, flute - Allen Caesar, percussion - Nancy Hardy, cello -
Shravan Kovela, guitar - Mark Schreiber, bass
And introducing Kristine Gabster, singer/songwriter
Soloists: Carl Costanza, Mark Crowley, Kristine Gabster,
Kathleen McSweeney, Tom Roberson & Darlene Sellars
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From ‘Porgy and Bess’ - Gershwin, Heyward
& Gershwin
Summertime an’ the livin’ is easy. Fish are jumpin’ an’ the cotton is high.
Oh yo’ daddy’s rich an’ yo’ ma is good lookin’. So hush little baby, don’ yo’ cry.
If I Have My Ticket
Traditional spiritual,
arr. Moore
If I have my ticket Lord, can I ride? Ride away to heaven in the morning.
I hear the sound of the gospel train. Don’t you want to get on board?
Ease on Down the Road
From ‘The Wiz’ - Smalls, arr. Funk
Come on and ease on down the road.
Don’t you carry nothin’ that might be a load.
Come on, ease on down the road.
Movin’ On
Gabster, arr. Ko - Performed by Kristine
I'm comin' of age ... turnin' a page ...
and movin' on.
Up, Up and Away
Webb, arr. Hayward
Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon? Would you like to glide in my beautiful balloon?
We could float among the stars together, you and I. For we can fly. Up,
up and away!
Big Easy on My Mind
I’ve got the Big Easy on my mind. Can’t seem to leave New Orleans behind.
I want to grab a beignet and a café au lait. Kick back and let the river unwind.
Route 66
Troup, arr. Shaw
If you ever plan to motor west, travel my way: take
the highway that’s the best.
Get your kicks on Route 66.
Hanabe No Uta
Japanese Song of the Beach - Tamezo, arr. Crocker
I love to wander along the beach at the very outbreak of dawn.
It brings sweet memories to my heart of the ancient ones who’ve gone.
Loch Lomond
Traditional Scottish
folk song - Arr. Lantz
By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes, where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond.
Where me and my true love were ever want to gae, on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.
The Silence Speaks
Wiele, Frombach &
I walk softly in the wilderness and listen. There it is: there’s
the roaring and the silence.
The waterfall, the placid creek, and in my solitude, the silence speaks.
Over the Rainbow
From ‘The Wizard of
Oz’ - Arlen & Harburg,
arr. Hayes
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
Sing Your Way Home*
Traditional &
Sing your way at the close of the day. Sing your way home.
Drive the shadows away.
Wherever you go, wherever you roam, it will brighten your day, lighten your load, if you sing.
Irish Blessing*
Traditional, Williams
& Gray, arr. Gray
May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face. May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
From Our Guest Performers, the Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus:
Let’s Get Away from It All
Dennis & Adair, arr. Hopkins
Riverboat Days
Sparks, arr. Wiener
Old St. Louie
Hoeltzel, arr. Wright
Deep in the Heart of
Hershey & Swander, arr. Baird
* Performed by NoVA Lights Chorale and the Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus